
If you ain’t got options you better start collecting some

In life you need to keep your options open because the possibilities are endless and you yourself are changing as well as those around you. To have only one option and stick with it may be seen as smart or safe to some but it’s the complete opposite!

Basically you’re dumb as hell if you’re out here with only one option in this economy, times are rough. When I say options this goes for a lot of things, career options, living situations, dreams/goals and relationships. Take advantage of the things you are naturally gifted at and work on your craft whatever it is, even if you are in a job that does not need or appreciate what you have to offer. We all have at least one thing we are good at and showcasing that in this day and age has become easier as the world is the most connected it has ever been due to the internet. Don’t give up on yourself and always have a hustle because life is hard already and sometimes that silver lining makes it all worth it (sorry to be oh so cheesy).

Live for yourself and stop living for others, I’m sure I have said this in another post before but I am going to reiterate this because it’s so easy to forget and put your happiness on the back burner. Being selfish is not a bad thing, you need to protect your inner peace sometimes and not everybody will be happy about that but screw them because only you truly have your own back. I’m not saying be an asshole but if you’re a young person dating for example you don’t need to be exclusive to anyone that you feel is not making the cut. It’s good to see different personalities and types of people as it helps you figure out what you like and don’t like and confirms what you actually want. One thing men do that women need to do more is have options to speak to, a lot of friends I’ve had have often cancelled other guys just for one they really liked hoping he’d wife her but guess what you played yourself dummy. When people are dating they will show you their best face and try and advertise themselves as whatever you’re looking for, this life is a game and you need to keep up. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do, your autonomy is so important and dictates how you lead your life. Do things when you feel it’s best for you and not because it is a “good look” for that period in your life, stay in your lane because we do not compare ourselves to anyone else over here. Unless someone is trying to marry you then you should not be taking nobody serious out here in these streets because people will talk a lot, all that co2 coming out their mouth won’t do shit for you.

I know it’s late and summer is over but my summer mood has really been to not limit myself and just do what i like whether it be going to three parties in a row, cute dates or just really putting people in their place. Summer has always been my favourite season as I feel like I truly enjoy myself during the weather and it’s the most social I am in the whole year! With that being said I’m trying to take the summer mood with me now that the season is coming to a close and not let that seasonal depression catch me slipping. As I’ve said before when I write on here it’s usually a collection of scattered thoughts and opinions from my mind and however I’m feeling at that very moment I’m typing, I type it for myself as a reminder but if someone else has taken something from it then it’s a bonus to me too.

Not everyone will get what I mean and that’s ok because those that do understand it’s bigger than the things I’ve mentioned and more about taking control of your own life. We may think we are in control but most of the time a lot of us are in auto pilot and just do shit to do it. Don’t be life’s bitch, you better take charge of your shit and own every decision you make good or bad because you will grow from it and build your character. So really think about what you actually have control of on your life, if you realise there’s a lot that you don’t have control over you need to really think about if it’s worth you not being truly content because without being melodramatic what you allow to happen now can affect you later on in life.

I think I’ve typed enough tbh as I know I get carried away when it comes to writing, it’s like my thoughts are a running tap and my fingers are frantically typing trying to catch up and get it all on the page. I’m gonna go back to crying about the fact that it’s raining in August, stay safe and cute xx

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